Tuesday, October 4, 2011

English comp I, I want a wife

I read this story I thought, it would be great to have a wife. As I am a wife, mother, and best friend. It would be great to have someone do all the things I do so I can have more time to study, and the one thing I would love to have more than anyting, is to have more time with my boys and husband.  Between studying and everything else I do there is no time for me. I have not sewn anything in months and I have to make the boys their Halloween costumes very soon. I can really see her point of view, because I am there.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Jeannette. It would be wonderful to have somebody to do all the things that we have to do so we could focus on what we need to like for instance right now that would be school.
